The Staff of Dripping Springs Community Library welcomes you.  We are so glad you have decided to donate your time and energy here at the Library.  Volunteers are extremely important to the running of the library.

We have many tasks that need to be done each week.  The following form will allow you to choose the tasks that you feel match your interests and abilities.  No task is too small or insignificant.

We hope you will find the right place within the library workforce. We look forward to working with you!

All volunteers at the Dripping Springs Community Library are encouraged to be library members.

You can print out the PDF version of the Volunteer Form and hand it in at the library or fill out the online form below.

Apply Online:

"*" indicates required fields

Days Available:*
Time Available:*
Interests and Special Skills:*
Check the skills or areas of interest you have.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.