With the Winter Storm Warning that is in effect for our area, the library will be closed Tuesday, January 21.

Computer Resources and Internet Access

Internet access provides a means for library users to obtain information resources beyond the walls of the Dripping Springs Community Library.

Dripping Springs Community Library card holders are allowed unlimited access to the Internet during our open hours unless there is a wait.
In our Children’s Wing, we have additional computers providing games and interactive software to entertain and educate children.
Our facility also offers Wi-Fi for your convenience.
We are always here to assist patrons with computer questions. 

Public computer users are subject to the disclaimers and guidelines below.


  • The DSCL Library offers both filtered and non-filtered computer access. Filtering does not guarantee blocking inappropriate or illegal sites.
  • Parents of minor children must assume responsibility for their children’s use of the Internet in the library and must provide signed permission for children age 18 and younger.
  • Not all information obtained from the Internet is equally credible or current. The Library cannot be held responsible for the accuracy, reliability, or legality of the content of any database. Evaluation of material retrieved is the responsibility of the user.
  • Users are expected to comply with U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S. code), which prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by the principles of “fair use”.
  • Library equipment may not be used for illegal purposes. Violations will result in loss of computer access privileges. Unlawful activities or deliberate misuse of computers is subject to further penalties defined by local, state and federal law.

Guidelines for Internet Use

  • Library staff will assist any individual computer user without prejudice or definition of task as time permits.
  • Using their Dripping Springs Community Library card, library users “check out” the computer at the circulation desk.
  • Each session is two hours; however, requests for additional time will be honored if no one else is waiting, up to 120 minutes with exceptions made with the director of the library.
  • In order to best protect their identity and personal data, patrons are expected to “log-out” at the computer workstation or to “check-in” the computer at the circulation desk when the session is completed.
  • Patrons are encouraged to inform library personnel when computers need attention.
  • Printed pages are $.20 for black and white and $0.50 for color printouts, payable at our self service print station.