Reading Lists
Looking for something to read, but you’re not quite sure what?
Texas Bluebonnet
Stars of the night: the courageous children of the Czech Kindertransport
Yuck, you suck!: poems about animals that sip, slurp, suck
You are here: connecting flights
Two tribes
Stars of the night: the courageous children of the Czech Kindertransport
Something like home
Shermy and Shake, the not-so-nice neighbor
A Rover's Story
New dragon city
The mystery of the monarchs: how kids, teachers, and butterfly fans helped Fred and Norah Urquhart track the great monarch migration
Ketanji: Justice Jackson's journey to the U.S. Supreme Court
Jovita wore pants: the story of a Mexican freedom fighter
Ice cream man: how Augustus Jackson made a sweet treat better
How to stay invisible
The guardian test
The Ghost of Spruce Point
The fire, the water, and Maudie McGinn
Daybreak on Raven Island
The cursed moon
Lone Star
It happened to Anna
Silent sister
The space between here & now
Shark teeth
The five impossible tasks of Eden Smith
Deer run home: a novel in verse
Kareem between
The otherwoods
Louder than hunger
The partition project
A game of Noctis
The mystery of locked rooms
The tenth mistake of Hank Hooperman
Dungeons and drama
Free throws, friendship, and other things we fouled up
Boy 2.0
The no-brainer's guide to decomposition
World made of glass
Tethered to other stars
Between two brothers
Not another banned book
Free period
The Bletchley riddle
Caldecott Medal
Freedom in Congo Square
Black and white
Fleece Hat Friends: 25+ easy-to-sew projects
Miss Julia speaks her mind: a novel: [a Miss Julia novel, book 1]
Joseph had a little overcoat
Sylvester and the magic pebble
Once a mouse: a fable cut in wood
The egg tree
The egg tree
The lion & the mouse
The lion & the mouse
The house in the night
The house in the night
The invention of Hugo Cabret: a novel in words and pictures
The invention of Hugo Cabret: a novel in words and pictures
The invention of Hugo Cabret: a novel in words and pictures
The hello, goodbye window
Kitten's first full moon
The man who walked between the towers
My friend Rabbit
The three pigs
The three pigs
The three pigs
Officer Buckle and Gloria
Smoky night
Smoky night
Grandfather's journey
Mirette on the high wire
Lon Po Po: a Red-Riding Hood story from China
Owl moon
The Polar Express
The Polar Express
The Polar Express
Saint George and the dragon: a golden legend
Saint George and the dragon: a golden legend
The glorious flight: across the Channel with Louis Bleriot
Ashanti To Zulu: African Traditions
Flecha al sol: un cuento de los indios pueblo
Arrow to the sun: a Pueblo Indian tale
Duffy and the devil: a Cornish tale
One fine day
One fine day
Sylvester and the magic pebble
The fool of the world and the flying ship: a Russian tale
Drummer Hoff
book & CD: Drummer Hoff
book & CD: May I bring a friend?
The snowy day
Baboushka and the three kings
Baboushka and the three kings
Nine days to Christmas
Time of wonder
A tree is nice
book & CD: Frog went a-courtin'
book & CD: Madeline's rescue
Madeline's rescue
Madeline's rescue
The egg tree
The big snow
Prayer for a child
The little house
Make way for ducklings
They were strong and good
Abraham Lincoln
Go and get with Rex
Cinderella--with dogs!
Dogs' Night
Go, dog. go!
Pug blasts off
The first dog
Ellie's Story
The bravest dog ever: the true story of Balto
Best in show
Simon and the better bone
A ball for Daisy
Dogs on the Job: True Stories of Phenomenal Dogs
The dog encyclopedia for kids
The empty city
The last dogs: book 1, the vanishing
Adventures of Nikki dog: as told by Nikki the dog
Miki: the puppy place, book 59
A dog's purpose: book 1
Stubby the dog soldier: World War I hero
Rescue on the Oregon trail
Air raid search and rescue
Dog Man
Blaze and Thunderbolt
Nitter pitter
Custer: the true story of a horse
The girl who loved wild horses
The blind colt
Changing Times: treasured horses collection
Fritz and the beautiful horses
Horse life: the ultimate guide to caring for and riding horses for kids
If I was a horse
Baby horses
Terrible horses
The horse encyclopedia for kids
The wild one
A horse called Wonder
A summer of horses
Leah's pony
Horse crazy: the Saddle Club, book 1
The miniature horse: the library of horses
Princess Stories
Cinderella and the Beast, [or], Beauty and the glass slipper
Disney princess: 5-minute princess stories
A dragon in the castle?
A pony for a princess
Beauty and the beast
Beauty: a retelling of the story of Beauty & the beast
Cinderella's countdown to the ball
Cinderella--with dogs!
Dangerously ever after
Do princesses really kiss frogs?
Don't kiss the frog!: princess stories with attitude
Elizabeth I: red rose of the House of Tudor, the royal diaries
The frog princess
Frozen 5-minute stories
Hamster princess: book 1, Harriet the invincible
Hatshepsut of Egypt: thinking girl's treasury of real princesses
The Hinky Pink: an old tale
I love my dad
Jewels for a princess: Disney princess
Learn to draw favorite princesses: featuring Tiana, Cinderella, Ariel, Snow White, Belle, and other characters!
The little mermaid
The little mermaid: the original story
Marie Antoinette, princess of Versailles: the royal diaries
Mega Princess
Mermaid tales: book 5, the lost princess
Nobody asked the pea
Not all princesses dress in pink
Olivia and the fairy princesses
Pirate princess
Princess Academy
The princess and the pea
The princess and the pizza
Princess for a day
Princess Furball
Princess Hyacinth: (the surprising tale of a girl who floated)
Princess in training
Princess Island
The princess knight
The princess of pink slumber party
Princess says goodnight
Princess Smartypants
Rapunzel's revenge
A royal spring
The secret lives of princesses
Sleeping Beauty: the one who took the really long nap: twice upon a time, book 2
Sleeping Ugly
Sofia makes a friend
Sofia the first
Sofia the First: holiday in Enchancia
The starlight princess and other princess stories
Surprise for a princess
Teachers' pets
The frog princess: tales of the frog princess, book 1
The little mermaid
The perfect dress: Disney princess
The Princess in Black and the perfect princess party
The secret room
The truth about princesses: fairy-tale superstars
The two princesses of Bamarre
The unfairest of them all
The very fairy princess
The way home: a princess story
Unicorn Princess