Wednesday, October 6; 1:00—3:00 PM
Join poet D. Ellis Phelps for another poetry-writing workshop: Attendees will explore writing samples from published works; be introduced to and discuss the use of poetic devices; write, using facilitator provided prompts and receive facilitator and peer-given feedback on the writing.
Poem Speak; Writing Persona Poems: Assume the identity of a favorite pet, lounge chair or piece of clothing. If the walls in your house could speak, what would they say? Come write with us as we explore using point of view as a point of departure for poem making.
D. Ellis Phelps is the author of three books of poetry, of the novel, Making Room for George, and of the blog, Formidable Woman Sanctuary where she publishes fws: international journal of literature & art. She is the founding editor of Moon Shadow Sanctuary Press. She has edited more than a dozen poetry anthologies for children and adults. Ms. Phelps has taught fine art to students of all ages for decades. She facilitates writing craft workshops for the Patrick Heath Public Library of Boerne, Texas, and other venues. She is currently serving as managing editor for the anthology Milagros: Everyday Miracles (forthcoming 2021).