Thursday, May 18; 1:00—2:00 PM
Location: Meeting Room
The Texas Superstar® program identifies specific plants that have been proven to thrive all over the state of Texas. The plants are insect-tolerant and highly drought and disease-resistant. They provide stunning color and beauty while requiring minimal care or reliance on chemical pest-control.
Come ready to learn how to save money, identify these Texas Superstar® plants, find ways to use them in your landscape, and care for them just enough to help them flourish and reward you with their beauty.
Marilyn Love:
After gardening in the east for over 30 years, I returned to Texas with no experience gardening in South Central Texas. I took the Master Gardener course to gain gardening knowledge and to make new friends in my new community. I was certified as a Master Gardener in 2012. Following my special interest in landscaping with native and adapted perennials, I achieved my specialists’ certifications in Texas Superstars® in 2015 and Earthkind® in 2017. I served as President of HCMGA in 2014 and 2015, Vice President in 2017, 2020, and 2021. Currently, I am the chair of the Membership and Training Committees and am a State Delegate. I am an active member of the Speakers Network. Gardening is my therapy and my passion!